Doctoral researchers in Modern Languages
The Department of Modern Languages has a vibrant postgraduate community, carrying out research in a broad range of areas. Profiles of some of our current doctoral researchers and details of their research are listed below.

Doctoral researcher Distance Learning
PhD Title: Historicizing Global Hispanophone Fiction: Hispanidad and Representations of Otherness in Colonial Equatorial Guinea
Supervisors: Dr Berny Sèbe and Dr Monica Jato
PhD Comparative Literature
Phd title: Tracking problem solving strategies and time as indicators of translation competence acquisition across different proficiency levels
Supervisors: Professor Emma Tyler and Dr Anna-Marjatta Milsom
PhD in Translation Studies

Doctoral researcher
PhD Title: A linguistic analysis of humour theories in satirical political articles written by two famous Arab female authors
Supervisor: Dr Anissa Daoudi
PhD Italian Studies

Doctoral researcher
PhD Title: Understanding Linguistics features as emotional and sense of self stimulators in Tourism Promotion : A Corpus-Based Investigation of Translated Tourism Texts
Supervisors: Dr Sofia Malamatidou and Professor Emma Tyler
PhD Modern Languages

Doctoral researcher
PhD title: Assessing the Relevance of Saudi Undergraduates’ Translation Competence to the Requirements of the Saudi Translation Market
Supervisor: Professor Emma Tyler and Dr Anna Milsom
PhD Translation Studies

Doctoral researcher
PhD Title: Translating Salhi's 'Occidentalism' from English into Arabic Followed by Translation Commentary
Supervisors: Dr Anissa Daoudi and Dr Paola Cori
Translation Studies Practice-Based PhD

Doctoral researcher Distance Learning
PhD title: Indigenous African Literature: Translating Amharic Fiction
Supervisors: Dr Louise Hardwick
PhD Translation Studies Practice-Based

Doctoral researcher
Phd title: The translation of dialects: Atzeni’s language in English and French
Supervisors: Professor Emma Tyler and Paola Cori
PhD in Modern Languages

Doctoral researcher
PhD title: Unusual places and exceptional people: women, minorities and the Self in the travel accounts of non-colonial observers in Libya during the colonial period 1911-1951
Supervisors: Dr Berny Sebe and Dr Anissa Daoudi

Doctoral researcher
PhD title: Analyzing Gender and Sexuality in Slash Fanfictions: A Comparative Study between Italian and Anglophone Literature
Supervisors: Dr Charlotte Ross and Dr Elliot Evans
PhD Italian Studies

Doctoral researcher
PhD title: In the afterglow of the Novelas ejemplares: censorship, exemplarity, canonicity and 'Golden Age' in 17th and 18th-century Spanish exemplary short fiction.
Supervisors: Dr Jules Whicker and Professor Aengus Ward
Hispanic Studies PhD/MA by Research (On-Campus or by Distance Learning)

Doctoral researcher
PhD title: The Superfluous and the Colonised: Self-Colonisation in Russian Literature
Supervisors: Dr Isobel Palmer and Dr Berny Sebe
PhD Russian Studies

Doctoral researcher
Phd title: A comparative study of south Asian and white women child murderers in the UK
Supervisor: Professor Lisa Downing
PhD Sexuality and Gender Studies
Doctoral researcher
PhD title: The Discursivisation of Basque Terrorism
Supervisor: Dr Katharina Karcher
PhD Modern Languages

Doctoral researcher
Phd title: “Concrétisations cinématographiques de l’identité française : Défenses symptomatiques”/“Cinematic Concretisations of French Identity: Symptomatic Defences”
Supervisor: Dr Andrew Watts and Dr Kate Ince
PhD Modern Languages
Doctoral researcher
PhD title: Teaching and learning the subjunctive in Portuguese as a second language
Supervisors: Dr Patricia Odber de Baubeta and Professor John Klapper
PhD Hispanic Studies

Doctoral researcher
PhD title: Representations of Queer Women in French and Greek Literature (1880-1940): A Comparative Reading
Supervisors: Dr Charlotte Ross and Dr Elliot Evans
PhD Modern Languages

Doctoral researcher
PhD title: Architecture, Quasi-Colonialism and Politics: A Micro-History of the British Consulate in Wen-Chow
Supervisors: Dr Berny Sèbe and Dr Helle Jorgensen
French Studies PhD/MA by Research (On-Campus or by Distance Learning)