Notify us of your decision to appeal your grades

If you wish to appeal the grades your school, college or awarding body has made, please contact them directly for further guidance and support. We would also ask you to complete our form so we have a record of your decision to appeal your grades.
If you wish to challenge the results you have received, you can do so by approaching your school in the first instance, and for further guidance you can view the Government's website on grade appeals.
Please be aware that the deadline for the University to receive any revised grades is 4 September 2024 for all courses apart from Medicine and Dentistry where the deadline is 31 August 2024. We regret that these deadlines cannot be extended. After this date, we cannot guarantee that we will still be able to accept you onto your course as there may no longer be any places available. Appeals that are successful after this date will be considered for deferred entry in 2025.