Birmingham Conference for Teachers and Advisers

Join our conference for teachers and careers advisers to keep abreast of updates in the sector and the many ways in which you can support your students through their university applications.

The next event taking place in Birmingham is on Thursday 8 May 2025, 9:00-15:30. See the programme details and booking form below.  

Programme for the day

Thursday 8 May 2025 9:00-15:30

9.00 - 9.30am

Registration and refreshments

9.30 - 9.40am


9.40 - 10.15am

Topical issues in university admissions and changes to the personal statement

10.15 - 11.00am

Admissions Tutor Panel:

Get advice from the Admissions Tutors for Biological Sciences, Biotechnology, Chemistry and Geography to help your students applying for these courses

11.00 - 11.30am


11.30 - 12.00pm

Study abroad and work placements

Hear about opportunities for students to spend time abroad or in industry as part of their degree

12.00 - 12.30pm

Careers support and graduate employability

Hear about support and opportunities for students to enhance their graduate employability 

12.30 - 13.00pm

Applying for Medicine

Get advice from the Medicine Admissions Tutor to help your students with their application

13.00 - 13.45pm


13.45 - 14.30pm

Admissions Tutor Panel:

Hear from the Admissions Tutors for English Literature, History, Liberal Arts and PPE including why consider studying a joint or multidisciplinary degrees

 14.30 - 15.00pm

Wellbeing and mental health

Find out about support available for students’ mental health and wellbeing

15.00 - 15.20pm

Student Ambassador Panel

Opportunity to ask current students about their experience of applying for and studying at the University of Birmingham

15.20 - 15.30pm

Closing remarks and evaluation


Depart or:

Optional campus tour (walking tour of the campus with a current student)

Optional Outreach update for West Midlands state schools/colleges

Please note this is a draft programme and therefore subject to minor change

Contact us

Please contact for further information about our conferences.