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MathSoc have had a wonderful term!

Publicity Rep Jamie Hutchinson gives us a peak into life in MathSoc, sharing their sporting success and many collaborations across the College, not to mention their very successful tutoring scheme in secondary schools

MathSoc logo

We started this year with our Maths Family Scheme, helping first years settle into university life by buddying them up with students from higher years. The families enjoyed events like our brilliant pizza quiz and bowling, where they could really get to know each other.

Many families have forged lasting friendships and still come to events together. One of these events was our Christmaths Night Out, with everyone getting into the festive spirit and wearing Christmas jumpers, socks and bits of tinsel. This year we also gave our members the option of donating an extra pound to charity when they bought their tickets, raising money for the Teenage Cancer Trust.

Maths Families Pizza Quiz

MathSoc and the School of Maths also ran a Christmas charity Staff vs Students football game; where generous donations were made, both by the crowd (whilst enjoying mince pies) as well as by the players themselves, which the Teenage Cancer Trust were thrilled to receive.

MathSoc Charity SvS Football

Our sports teams have had a great performance so far, with our 11-aside football team sitting at the top of the table. Football trials had a great turnout so we have also started a 6-aside team which is second in the league with lots of people getting the chance to play. Our netball is doing well too, despite having a lot of tough games this year. They also played in the one-day Christmas tournament, with everyone dressing to the festive theme. Our weekly squash sessions have continued too and are increasingly popular.

MathSoc 6aside Football
MathSoc Netball

MathSoc have teamed up with lots of different societies this term! We worked with BEMA and BEaMS to celebrate Black History Month by hosting a film night where lots of members from all three societies coming together to watch Hidden Figures. We also collaborated with PPS and WISE to run a careers event for all STEM students, featuring several short talks from potential employers and followed by a networking session. And lots of members enjoyed themselves at our joint games night with AstroSoc, where members enjoyed pizza and played various board and card games.

MathSoc Film Night

Our tutoring scheme is continuing for its fourth year with MathSoc members volunteering at Dame Elizabeth Cadbury School. Simultaneously helping the students at the school with their studies, as well as giving our members invaluable teaching experience and giving back to the community.

Thanks to all MathSoc members for making this term so awesome, we can’t wait to see what next term brings!

Jamie Hutchinson

Publicity Officer
University of Birmingham Mathematics Society