Environmental Engineering

Environmental Engineering at Birmingham embraces the key topics of water engineering (its purification, energy generation from waste water through anaerobic digestion and how we manage the natural water cycle to serve our needs), geotechnical engineering (engineering in harmony with the ground) infrastructure monitoring and assessment and, more generally, urban living (managing and designing effective cities which will serve us in the future).

Underpinning all of this activity, we are looking for solutions for a sustainable, resilient future – one where scarce natural resources are used effectively and where the ever-increasing urbanisation of the world means we have cities which work for their inhabitants, not the other way round!

See our latest news

Opportunities in this theme

This active research group is always looking for good postgraduate research candidates. For general enquiries, please contact us (details below) or search on the Postgraduate Research Degrees web pages. PhD and MPhil opportunities are available.

Dr Nicole Metje introduces the work of the Environmental Engineering group

We also offer taught postgraduate programmes, including


For postgraduate research opportunities, please contact ther Postgraduate Support Team
Email: engineeringsupport-research@contacts.bham.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 (0)121 414 4160 / +44 (0)121 414 4233

For postgraduate taught courses and MScs, please contact the Postgraduate Admissions Team
Email: pg-admissions-eng@contacts.bham.ac.uk
Telephone:  +44 (0)121 414 5089

To discuss a new research project or to explore applying the group’s research to your business, please contact
Dr David Boardman, Knowledge Transfer Manager, Tel +44(0)121 414 5086, Email d.i.boardman@bham.ac.uk