
We have a well-equipped electronics laboratory for constructing the many sensors developed in the course of our work.

Underwater tank used by the Acoustics and Sonar Group at the University of Birmingham to carry out underwater sensor researchUnderwater testing is conducted in a large water tank (pictured right, underneath floorboards), with positioning and rotation gear deployed to suit the application . 

Preventing leaks within underwater equipment is very challenging. We own a pressure pot that can simulate depths of up to 3000 m, but this often tests equipment beyond the failure point.

Signal processing ideas and algorithms are therefore often tested out using air-acoustics. This keeps us dry and warm whilst scaling down the physical size of the experiment by a factor of five. 

Air-acoustics anechoic chamber at the University of Birmingham

We have an air acoustics anechoic chamber (pictured left). We use the chamber for a range of research, from using model train to position microphones with human internet to carrying out failure analysis of large passenger railway axel bearings.






Many of our underground sensing trials are conducted on University roads, carparks and gardens. Getting ing outside to conduct field trials is a key element of the culture of our group. 

University of Birmingham Acoustics and Sonar researcher using underground sensing equipment