Rare Earth Magnet Recovery for Environmental and Resource Protection


The aim of the Remanence project is to identify, extract and re-process neodymium iron boron magnets (NdFeB) from electronic waste.

The organisations involved in the consortium include:

  • C-Tech Innovation Ltd, 
  • The University of Birmingham, 
  • Stena Technoworld AB, 
  • ACREO Swedish ICT AB, 
  • Leitat Technological Centre, 
  • OptiSort AB, 
  • Chalmers Industriteknik, 
  • Magneti Ljubljana, 
  • Kolektor Magnet Technology GMBH.

The role of Birmingham in this project is to separate NdFeB magnets from electronic waste using the hydrogen based technologies developed within the research group (see research pages) and to develop re-processing routes for the extracted hydrogenated material. The magnetic materials group will be working closely with Magneti Ljubljana and Kolektor to develop both sintered and bonded NdFeB magnets from the waste streams within this project.

For further details of the work in the Remanence Project please contact:
Dr Allan Walton – a.walton@bham.ac.uk, 0121 414 5195 or
Dr Vicky Mann – v.s.j.mann@bham.ac.uk, 0121 414 3960
Remanence website - http://www.project-remanence.eu/