David Owen

PhD Student in Mechanical Engineering

Dave Owen_25cm_circle

David is one of our former BEAR Champions and is no longer at the University of Birmingham. 

What is your Academic background and current research field?

I'm a Biomedical Engineer in the School of Engineering, creating computational models of blood flow for a bunch of different applications; Improving designs of medical devices, how/where do blood clots form and why the microscopic ridges on your arteries are important for your health.

Which BEAR Services have been most helpful to you in your research?

All of my computational models are solved (for free!) on the BlueBEAR HPC, using a computer 100x more powerful than my desktop - It's a lifesaver.

How widespread do you think BEAR Services are known in your School and how do you plan to spread the word?

The School of Engineering would definitely benefit from increased use of BEAR services, and many researchers lives would be made much easier if they got involved. I plan on encouraging people to use BEAR by; Promoting BEAR when presenting my work, showing how useful BEAR can be to other Engineers and most importantly offering help to people starting to use BEAR for their projects.