Dr Yin Hoon Chew

Research Fellow, School of Mathematics

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What is your research background and current role in the University?

I am currently a postdoctoral research fellow at the School of Mathematics. I initially trained in Chemical-Bioprocess Engineering for my BEng and MEng where I learned how to model chemical plants and bioreactors. Whilst working as a research assistant, I developed an interest in modeling biological systems, i.e. nature’s very own biochemical plants. This inspired me to do a PhD in Systems Biology. Since then, my research has been focused on integrating mathematical models of different formalisms to connect across processes and scales in biology, with the aims of understanding emergent behaviors and facilitating biodesign.

Which BEAR Services have been most relevant to you in your research?

I use BlueBEAR a lot because I need a lot of computing power to run my models. I also use the Research Data Store to access the imaging data that an experimental colleague produces. I like to access BEAR Services via the BEAR Portal, which is such a convenient one-stop centre.

How widespread to you think BEAR Services are known in your School/College and how do you plan to spread the word?

I don't think BEAR Services are used much in the School of Mathematics because most research is theoretical. However, there are groups in Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Biology who work with data and require high computing power. I believe many of them are aware of and using BEAR Services. I am offering myself as a point of contact to existing and potential users for information and basic help on BEAR Services. I will probably be parading around the Watson Building with my cute BEAR goodies, which make for a good start of conversation!

How can researchers in your School/College contact you?

I can be contacted via email at y.h.chew@bham.ac.uk or on Microsoft Teams.

What's an interesting fact about you?

I love origami and all sorts of handcrafts, especially those made from everyday materials. I like the idea of converting ‘waste’ into value-added products.