BEAR Training

We are now offering both in-person and online courses to provide flexible options for researchers.

In our new modular structure, most courses will last for a maximum of 3 hours. Online courses are also available via Canvas as an alternative to our training programme, and recordings of previous courses are available via our BEAR Training Recordings course.

Please note that our courses are for research staff and research students only. Taught students - undergraduate and postgraduate - are not eligible to attend.

Scheduled courses and dates
Course  Date and Time  Booking
Introduction to Linux

18th September PM

online course available

Book here
Introduction to BlueBEAR

1st October AM

online course available

Book here
Advanced BlueBEAR (NEW!)   Book here
Software Carpentry - Git online course available Book here
Software Carpentry - Intermediate Research Software Development (NEW!)   Book here
Software Carpentry - Image Processing with Python   Book here
Software Carpentry - MATLAB online material available Book here
Software Carpentry - Python

8th & 9th October PM (attend both days)

recorded course available

Book here
Software Carpentry - R recorded course available Book here
NVIDIA - Fundamentals of Deep Learning  24th October full day Book here

Advanced Research Computing provides a variety of workshops and short courses to help researchers at the University develop their IT skills and make the most of technology available to them for their research. Introduction to BlueBEAR provides both a general introduction to high performance computing and using our HPC system BlueBEAR. Introduction to Linux gives attendees an overview of Linux commands that facilitate work on BEAR Linux systems. More information about BEAR's approach to training can be found in our current Training Strategy document.

The BEAR Carpentries Workshops teach skills that are immediately useful for researchers, using lessons and datasets that allow researchers to quickly apply what they’ve learned to their own work and become more efficient. The AI and Deep Learning workshops introduce the concepts and get researchers started on using AI and Deep Leaning.

If you sign up to any of our training courses, you agree to abide by our Training Code of Conduct. This outlines the expectations and behaviour of both our trainers and participants. Please familiarise yourself with this before attending any courses. Note that we reserve the right to cancel courses if there is not a sufficient number of bookings.

We provide links to some externally provided training and there are also special interest user groups that bring people together with common interests in research areas. If more information is required then please contact