Neil Morgan is Professor of Cardiovascular Genetics and Chief Investigator of the GAPP project. His current research is focussing on the molecular genetics of patients with platelet bleeding disorders and particularly those with low platelet counts (thrombocytopenia). The identification of novel gene defects provides clues to genes and proteins involved in normal platelet physiology and ultimately lead to devising new treatment strategies to minimise the risk of bleeding in such patients
Dr Gill Lowe is an Honorary Clinical Research Fellow with the Birmingham Platelet Group and a Haematology Consultant with the University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust. Dr Lowe was responsible for establishing the network of centres through which patients have been recruited to the GAPP project, and assists with recalling patients for investigation with this study.
Professor Steve Watson is a British Heart Foundation Professor in Cardiovascular Sciences and Cellular Pharmacology. He is head of the Birmingham Platelet Group.
Dr Paul Harrison is the Healing Foundation Senior Lecturer within the School of Immunity and Infection at the University of Birmingham and is a recognised expert on platelet function, platelet counting and platelet turnover.
Mike Makris is Professor of Haemostasis and Thrombosis at the University of Sheffield and director of the Sheffield haemophilia and thrombosis centre
Martina Daly is Professor of Molecular Medicine at the University of Sheffield. Through the GAPP project, they are contributing to the next generation sequencing of patients with platelet-based bleeding disorders and to the studies relating genotype with phenotype. They are also examining how mutations in platelet genes can contribute to the expression and diagnosis of type 1 von Willebrand disease, a disorder which phenotypically resembles some platelet bleeding disorders.