Opportunities at the Centre

The Centre for Human Brain Health (CHBH) is a welcoming, inclusive and diverse interdisciplinary community of Principal Investigators, postdoctoral researchers, research assistants, PhD candidates, MSc and undergraduate students, supported by a committed team of technical and operational professional services staff. More information on the current CHBH community can be found on the Centre Team page

The Centre holds a number of academic events throughout the year, and regularly hosts community-driven casual activities, to foster a friendly, supportive and lively place to conduct research and work. 


New Starters

If you are a new starter at the Centre for Human Brain Health, please visit our New Starters page on the CHBH Intranet.

New Projects

If you would like to start a new project at the Centre for Human Brain Health, please visit the Project Proposal and Grant Support page on the CHBH Intranet.

Research and project enquiries

If you would like to enquire about a specific research topic, project or have a general careers enquiry relating to working at the CHBH, you can either contact us directly by email or reach out to one of our Principal Investigators directly, profiles of which can be navigated by means of the CHBH Research Themes pages. 

Participate in CHBH Research

If you are interested in participating in studies run by our researchers, please see our participation page.

Current Vacancies

To browse current vacancies within and affiliated to the CHBH, head over to the University's main careers webpages. Live job vacancies are also regularly posted by the CHBH and its staff/students via X (formerly Twitter) and LinkedIn.