The Department of Metabolism and Systems Science is mainly located in the IBR Tower, Level 2, immediately adjacent to the West Wing of the Medical School Building, in immediate proximity to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, the NIHR/Wellcome Clinical Research Facility, the Human Biomaterial Resource Centre and the Institute of Translational Medicine in the Heritage Building.
How to find us
General enquiries
The Department of Metabolism and Systems Science
University of Birmingham
IBR Tower, Level 2
College of Medicine and Health
B15 2TT
PA to Head of Department - Christine Lloyd
Twitter: @UoB_MSS
Main Switchboard:
Tel: +44 (0)121 414 3344
Key contacts in the Department
Theme Lead (Endocrinology)
Theme Lead (Maternal and Reproductive Health)
Deputy Theme Lead (Maternal and Reproductive Health)
Theme Lead (Systems Modelling and Quantitative Biomedicine)