
Transport is a major focus for the University and for policy makers. These researchers are actively engaging with the policy process and would welcome further engagement from policy makers. 

Professor Anthony Arnull

Professor Anthony Arnull

Emeritus Professor of European Law

Birmingham Law School

Anthony Arnull specialises in the law of the European Union. He worked at the European Court of Justice from 1989-92 and was Head of Birmingham Law School between 2006 and 2009. He was Acting Head of the College of Arts & Law at Birmingham from April to August 2015. Professor Arnull is the author of The General Principles of EEC Law and the Individual (Leicester University Press, 1990); The ...


Professor William Bloss

Professor William Bloss

Professor of Atmospheric Science
Head of College of Life & Environmental Sciences

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

William Bloss is an atmospheric scientist, specialising in air pollution and atmospheric chemistry.  His research applies a combination of laboratory studies, field measurements and numerical models to understand the causes of poor air quality, and support development of effective policy measures to protect human and environmental health.  Recent work has ranged from Clean Air Science ...

+44 (0)121 414 4173 (Research Office)

Dr Nana Osei Bonsu

Dr Nana Osei Bonsu

Assistant Professor in Responsible Business & Sustainability
Deputy Programme Director of the Undergraduate Business Management Suite (Singapore)

Business School

Nana's professional and research interests relate to sustainability policy and governance frameworks required to transition towards a responsible and sustainable future. This includes environmental sustainability issues, e.g. ambient air pollution and their impact on public health in Low-Medium Income Countries (LMICs).

His current problem-solving oriented research focuses on Circular Economy, ...

+44 (0)121 414 4698

Professor John Bryson

Professor John Bryson

Chair in Enterprise and Economic Geography

The Department of Strategy and International Business

Professor John Bryson is Chair in Enterprise and Economic Geography at Birmingham Business School. John's research is motivated by a desire to understand and explain the complex ways in which production is organized through space and in place and via a variety of forms of enterprise.

+44 (0)121 414 5549

Professor Nigel Cassidy

Professor Nigel Cassidy

Emeritus Professor of Geotechnical Infrastructure Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering

Nigel Cassidy has over 30 years’ academic and industrial experience in near-surface geophysics, geotechnical engineering and numerical modelling. His research focuses on the development of remote monitoring, modelling and inversion techniques to solve practical environmental and geo-engineering problems.

Nigel has published 70+ peer-reviewed international journal papers, articles and book ...

+44 (0) 121 414 5146

Dr Dilum Dissanayake

Dr Dilum Dissanayake

Associate Professor in Human Geography and Transportation Planning

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Dr. Dilum Dissanayake is an experienced academic with particular interest in transport planning and human Geography. Her passion for educating STEM careers means that she devotes time in developing research careers at Postdoctoral, PhD, as well as Postgraduate and Undergraduate degree levels. Dr Dissanayake’s ambition is to further advance knowledge and skills in transport planning and data ...


Emeritus Professor Andreas Hornung

Emeritus Professor Andreas Hornung

Senior Expert Bioeconomy, Fraunhofer Umsicht
Emeritus Professor, University of Birmingham

School of Chemical Engineering

In April 2021, Professor Andreas Hornung was appointed Emeritus Professor at the University of Birmingham.

Andreas Hornung holds 21 patents and has published more than 340 scientific publications to date.

The main strategic topic of Hornung’s work today is the development of decentralized power providing units combined with pyrolysis, gasification and digestion units – called the ...

+49 9661 8155-500

Dr Louise Reardon

Dr Louise Reardon

Associate Professor in Governance and Public Policy
School Deputy Director of Research (Impact)

Department of Public Administration and Policy

Louise is Associate Professor of Governance and Public Policy at the Institute of Local Government Studies and School Deputy Director of Research (Impact)

Louise has written widely on agenda setting, multi-level governance, policy change, and wicked problems. She is particularly well known for her research on transport governance, and the wellbeing agenda.

Her work has been published in leading ...

+44 (0) 121 414 8393

Professor Peter Raymond Slater

Professor Peter Raymond Slater

Professor of Materials Chemistry
Co-Director of the Birmingham Centre for Energy Storage

School of Chemistry

Professor Peter R. Slater is Professor in Materials Chemistry at the University of Birmingham and Co-Director of the Birmingham Centre for Energy Storage. He has more than 30 years research experience in the area of solid state/materials chemistry, ranging from battery materials to solid oxide fuel cells. In these areas he has published more than 250 papers in scientific journals, and has written ...

+44 (0) 121 414 8906

Professor Robert Steinberger-Wilckens

Professor Robert Steinberger-Wilckens

Professor in Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Research
Director of the Centre of Doctoral Training (CDT) in Fuel Cells and their Fuels

School of Chemical Engineering

Robert Steinberger-Wilckens is Professor for Fuel Cell and Hydrogen research in Chemical Engineering. He is director of the research Fuel Cell and Hydrogen group and the Centre for Doctoral Training Fuel Cells and their Fuels, which is run by the universities of Birmingham, Nottingham, and Loughborough, Imperial College, and University College of London.

He works and has worked in many areas ...

+44 (0) 121 415 8169

Professor Robert Stone

Professor Robert Stone

Emeritus Professor, eXtended Realities (XR) & Human-Centred Design

School of Engineering

I’m a Human Factors specialist (since 1980) and a “veteran” of the international Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality community (since 1987).

Having held a Chair in Interactive Multimedia Systems at the University of Birmingham between 2003 and 2019, I am now Emeritus Professor in eXtended Realities and Human-Centred Design and Director of the Human Interface Technologies Team.


+44 (0)7740 858901

Professor Athanasios (Thanos) Tsolakis

Professor Athanasios (Thanos) Tsolakis

Chair in Thermodynamics and James Watt Research Chair
School Director of Research
Head of Clean Energy Engineering Research Group

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Athanasios Tsolakis is Professor of Thermodynamics and Director of Research and Knowledge Transfer for the School of Engineering.  Thanos has published over 150 research papers in scientific journals and conference proceedings in the areas of fuels and fuel treatments, low carbon and carbon free energy carriers, combustion and vehicle emissions control technologies such as environmental ...

+44 (0) 121 414 4170

Professor Paul Withey

Professor Paul Withey

Professor of Casting Technology

School of Metallurgy and Materials

Paul Withey is Professor of Casting Technology.

Paul joined academia in 2018 and in 2019 was awarded an EPSRC Manufacturing Fellowship. He is working with industry to deliver improved casting technology for a number of different applications.

Paul is also knowledgeable about the DeHavilland Comet investigation in the 1950s and has shared his enthusiasm both in talks and documentaries.

+44 (0) 121 414 5174

Professor Hongming Xu

Professor Hongming Xu

Chair in Energy and Automotive Engineering
Head of Vehicle and Engine Technology Centre

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Hongming Xu is Professor of Energy and Automotive Engineering and Head of the Vehicle Technology Research Centre. He is Director of Birmingham CASE Automotive Research and Education Centre.

He has 6 years of industrial experience with Jaguar Land Rover and Premier Automotive Group of Ford. He researches synergies between fuel, propulsion and after-treatment technologies for cleaner road vehicles.

+44 (0) 121 414 4153

Professor Xiao-Ping Zhang

Professor Xiao-Ping Zhang

Chair in Electrical Power Systems
Director of Smart Grid, Birmingham Energy Institute
Co-Director, Birmingham Energy Storage Centre (sponsored by EPSRC)

Department of Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering

Xiao-Ping Zhang is a Professor of Electrical Power Systems, Director of Smart Grid, Birmingham Energy Institute, and Co-Director of Birmingham Energy Storage Centre sponsored by UK, and Head of the Electrical Power & Control Systems Group

Professor Zhang has been conducting active research in the fields of Energy Union, Global Power & Energy Internet, Super Power ...

+44 (0)121 414 4298