Steps to Independence

Room 3 - Delivery Room

Overview of the room

Section 1 - The delivery cycle

Section 2 - Referral

Section 3 - Assessment

Section 4 - Programme design

Section 5 - Intervention

Section 6 - Review

Section 7 - Completion

Section 8 - Pre-school provision

Section 9 - Post-school and Further Education provision

Section 10 - Children with multiple disabilities and a visual impairment (MDVI)

Section 11 - Cultural background

Section 12 - Room recap – key things learnt

Overview of the room

Room summary

The concern of this room is to describe the complex process of delivering the mobility and independence curriculum to children with vision impairment in mainstream education using a delivery cycle consisting of five stages: referral, assessment, programme design, intervention, review and completion. It also describes areas which require further consideration when delivering the M&I curriculum, including circumstances peculiar to pre-school children, post-school provision, children with MDVI, and the cultural background of children.

Suggested room learning aims

The aims of this room are to develop your knowledge and understanding in the following areas:

  • How children with vision impairment access mobility and independence education
  • The various stages involved in mobility and independence education
  • Different factors that affect the delivery of M&I education
  • The professionals involved in all aspects of delivering mobility and independence education

Suggested room learning outcomes

  • It would be expected that you would be able to answer the following questions:
  • How can the M&I needs of children with vision impairment be identified?
  • Who should be involved in delivering M&I education?
  • When and where should M&I education be taught to children?
  • Which aspects of the delivery cycle should I be responsible for?

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