Steps to Independence

Room 3 - Delivery Room (Section 7 of 12) 

Section 7 – Completion

Description of completion

Activity 20

We concluded in the section on review that once a child is introduced into the system, their needs and progress should be continuously monitored. Therefore, when they complete a mobility and independence programme a child should not exit the ‘delivery cycle’ in normal circumstances.


Before reading on you should note down at least three situations when a child could reach the completion stage and exit the system. You can then compare your notes with the findings from the M&I research project which are reported below.

There are situations when a child would reach the completion stage and exit the system. These include the following:

  • Through the choice of the young person and family, when old enough to make an informed decision e.g. if the child prioritises other curriculum areas over mobility and independence (see recommendations in section on intervention)
  • A decline in health and therefore abilities of the child, or even death of the child
    An improvement in health - e.g. a successful operation improving their vision to the extent that they do not need mobility and independence support
  • Where a child leaves an authority area, or reaches school-leaving age and therefore is not under the responsibility of the education service.
  • When children leave the authority area or leave statutory education, there needs to be a smooth transition of referral to the new authority or agency responsible for providing mobility and independence support.

Referring-on to other providers

Mobility and independence educators should refer children who leave their authority to the new provider, and pass on records and/or reports. Sharing information about the child is important, to inform the new agency responsible about the mobility and independence education the child has received in the past, and to provide any other information which will help the mobility and independence educator to do their job more effectively.

This is particularly important for children who are making the transition from education into adulthood. These issues are covered in more detail in the section on Post-school and FE provision.

Recommendations based upon good practice

Agencies should liaise and share information to enable a smooth transition from one agency/authority to another. This relies upon clear mechanisms for transfer of information being in place, and appropriate record keeping as described in the recommendations based upon good practice for Review.

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