Corpus Linguistics Summer School 2024

Monday 15 July (09:00) - Thursday 18 July 2024 (17:00)

The University of Birmingham Corpus Linguistics Summer School is open to undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral students, as well as researchers who want to improve their skills to apply corpus methods in their own research.

The 8th Corpus Linguistics Summer School will be online and consist of synchronous and asynchronous elements. The synchronous part will take place from 15 to 18 July 2024. Prior to the synchronous part, participants will be expected to complete asynchronous activities consisting of self-study video lectures and hands-on materials.

Please note that we are planning to hold next year's summer school in-person at the University of Birmingham. Therefore, individuals wishing to attend the summer school remotely are encouraged to take advantage of this year's online format.

Our summer school aims to equip participants with critical expertise in both the theory and practice of corpus-supported linguistic research. Building on the strengths of our Centre for Corpus Research (CCR) and our guest speakers, we strive to offer participants a learning experience that benefits their own specific research needs and enriches their experience as researchers more widely. There will also be an opportunity for participants to present their own work and receive feedback from our expert team. Given the specialised nature of the programme, a basic understanding of corpus linguistics is highly recommended. 



The complete programme of the summer school will be available nearer the time.

Over the course of the four days, participants will be actively involved in two kinds of sessions:

  • Hands-on sessions which will put the emphasis on the learning of practical skills for the purpose of extracting and analysing corpus data of various kinds, and the application of this knowledge to specific research projects;
  • Sessions in which participants will learn about current corpus research from our team.

Synchronous sessions will be recorded and made available to the participants after each session.

Topics typically covered in the programme include (this is a non-exhaustive list and subject to change):

  • Analysing healthcare data using corpus linguistics
  • Analysing learner language
  • Behavioral Profile
  • Corpora and legal research
  • CQPweb
  • Fake news
  • Introduction to R and tidyverse
  • Phraseology
  • Sign language corpora
  • Statistics and readability
  • Tagging and parsing with spaCy
  • Topic models

The programmes of previous years are available for your reference:

Sinclair Lecture

As every year, the annual Sinclair Lecture will take place during the Summer School. This year, the Lecture will be delivered on 15 July by Professor Dawn Knight (Cardiff University) with the title of ‘Applying Corpus Linguistics: impacts of corpus research in a minoritised language context’.

Further details and registration is now open on the Sinclair Lecture 2024 webpage.

Guest Speakers at the summer school

Our local team of corpus linguists includes Edward Clay, Dagmar Divjak,  Jason Grafmiller, Jack Grieve, Nicholas Groom, Petar Milin, Akira Murakami, Michael Oakes, Florent Perek, Adam Schembri, Paul Thompson, and Katharine Weetman.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the Summer School.

Please do check this webpage for updates. 

A talk at the Corpus Linguistics Summer School 2019