Pathways to Birmingham

We offer a wide selection of programmes for Year 12 and Year 13 students. These programmes help to introduce you to university life and study. They also assist with applications, and decision-making, and come with an alternative offer and financial support.
At the University of Birmingham, we run Pathways to Birmingham which is a suite of programmes aimed at students looking to increase their knowledge of and exposure to university life and study. You'll get an insight into higher education and professional career routes and support throughout the university application process.
The Pathways to Birmingham programmes are available to pupils at non-selective state schools across the West Midlands region, except the National Access Summer School which is open to Year 12 students from England and Wales (excluding the West Midlands). We are also part of the Realising Opportunities (RO) partnership which goes beyond the West Midlands.
We encourage you to read more about each opportunity and find the right programme for you. We hope to read your application soon.
Participating in Pathways to Birmingham comes with a huge range of benefits.
If you complete a P2B programme and apply to the University of Birmingham, you will receive special consideration from admissions tutors.
If your application is successful, you will receive two offers from the University of Birmingham - the standard offer and a Pathways to Birmingham offer. The Pathways to Birmingham offer is typically two grades below the standard offer, as advertised in the prospectus.
You may also be eligible to receive the Pathways to Birmingham financial support.
Choose your P2B programme
Access to Birmingham
Access to Birmingham (A2B) supports applicants to the University of Birmingham to discover what studying at university involves.
Routes to the Professions
Routes to Professions (R2P) is for Year 12 students looking to get practical insight into university study.
National Access Summer School
The National Access Summer School (NASS) is a four-day residential programme for Year 12 students.
Realising Opportunities
With Realising Opportunities, leading universities are working together to widen participation, improve access and promote social mobility.
Are you a teacher or adviser supporting a P2B applicant?
Pathways to Birmingham applicants must be studying at one of our partner institutions and have a nominated teacher to support their application. Read our Pathways to Birmingham (P2B) coordinator guidance for more information.