Human-Centred Computing
Our human centred computing academics study aspects of relationships between people, society and computing. We investigate various aspects of intelligent interaction between people and machines: including human-in-the-loop decision making, habit formation, intelligent notification, multitasking and natural-language processing and dialogue. We examine the developing regulatory framework for software, with a particular focus on the lawful exploitation of emerging artificial intelligence and algorithmic decision making systems and we investigate the economics of software development which answer questions including how to automate software cost estimation.
Theme Lead
Chair of Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing
School of Computer Science
Chris Baber is Chair of Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing. He joined the University of Birmingham in 1990 and, after working in several Engineering schools, joined the School of Computer Science in 2018. His research concerns human interaction with technology – specifically, in terms of human people form teams with intelligent technology, and in terms of sensor-based human-technology ...
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- +44 (0) 121 414 4778
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Theme Members
Reader in Software Engineering
School of Computer Science
Dr Rami Bahsoon is a Reader in Software Engineering (Associate Professor) and founding member of the Birmingham Software Engineering Group and the Cloud Software Engineering "interest group" at the School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham. He is also an active member of the Centre of Excellent for Research in Computational Intelligence and Applications (CERCIA), member of ...
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- +44 (0) 121 414 4770
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Associate Professor
School of Computer Science
Bob Hendley is an associate professor for the School of Computer Science, at the University of Birmingham. For more information, please see Bob's homepage.
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Lecturer in Computer Science
School of Computer Science
Hyunyoung Kim is a lecturer at the School of Computer Science at the University of Birmingham. Her research interest lies in the intersection of tangible interfaces and digital fabrication within HCI. Methods range from low- and high-fidelity physical prototyping, design space analysis to user study. She gets inspiration from and is keen on collaboration with other areas such as architecture, ...
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Emeritus Professor of Information Engineering
School of Computer Science
Martin Russell is an Emeritus Professor of Information Engineering in the School of Computer Science. He joined the University of Birmingham in 1998. His research interests are in speech and language science and technology. He has published over 150 research papers in these areas.
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- +44 (0) 121 414 4778
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Interdisciplinary Professorial Fellow in Law, Ethics and Informatics
Birmingham Law School
Karen Yeung joined Birmingham Law School and the University of Birmingham’s School of Computer Science as Interdisciplinary Professorial Fellow in Law, Ethics and Informatics in January 2018. Her research has been at the forefront of understanding the challenges associated with the regulation and governance of emerging technologies. Over the course of more than 25 ...
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- +44 (0) 121 414 6298
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PhD Students