Geometry and Mathematical Physics

Calabi Yau Manifest illustration representing continuum mechanicsGeometry plays a fundamental role in Mathematical Physics, for example it underpins several theoretical models in relativistic quantum physics, typically by encoding the underlying hidden symmetries of the model at hand. The Geometry and Mathematical Physics group at the University of Birmingham was founded in 2018 by Professor Marta Mazzocco and brings together experts in algebraic geometry, integrable systems, mirror symmetry, cluster varieties, quantum groups and quantum Teichmüller theory.

Head of Geometry Group

Dr Cyril Closset

Dr Cyril Closset

Royal Society University Research Fellow (Associate Professor)
Birmingham Fellow
Head of the Geometry and Mathematical Physics group

The main focus of Dr Closset's research is on mathematical and 'formal' aspects of Quantum Field Theory (QFT) in the presence of supersymmetry. The underlying big question is: How do we use supersymmetry to learn more about QFT at strong coupling? Along the way there are beautiful mathematical structures to be uncovered. Many of these problems arise in string theory, or have deep relations to it.

Academic Staff

Dr Fabrizio Del Monte

Dr Fabrizio Del Monte

Assistant Professor

Dr Del Monte's research develops rigorous methods for nonperturbative string theory through integrable systems, and connections with Bridgeland stability conditions and Donaldson-Thomas invariants in algebraic geometry. This led to exact solutions of Painlevé-type equations, unexpected results in algebraic geometry, while at the same time deepening our physical understanding of string ...

Professor Marta Mazzocco

Professor Marta Mazzocco

Professor of Mathematics

Professor Mazzocco is a specialist in the area of integrable systems, namely mathematical problems often motivated by Mathematical Physics. Her research brings geometry, quantum algebra and analysis together to describe and tackle problems which have so far resisted all other methods.

Dr Michel van Garrel

Dr Michel van Garrel

Assistant Professor

Dr van Garrel specialises in enumerative geometry, in particular log Gromov-Witten theory, in birational geometry, especially with regards to rationality questions and in the Gross-Siebert programme as the mechanism that explains mirror symmetry and constructs mirror families.

Research and Teaching Fellows

Dr Elias Furrer

Dr Elias Furrer

Research Fellow in Mathematical Physics

Dr Furrer’s research deals with fundamental aspects and the mathematical structures of quantum field theory, gravity and string theory. He is in particularly interested in supersymmetry, dualities, topological field theory and modular forms.

Dr Ai Guan

Dr Ai Guan

Teaching Fellow

Dr Guan's research interests are in homological and homotopical algebra, derived deformation theory and category theory.

Dr Nikita Nikolaev

Dr Nikita Nikolaev

Research Associate (Marie Curie Fellow)

Dr Nikolaev's research sits at the interface of algebraic geometry, differential geometry, perturbation theory, and mathematical physics, revolving around the study of moduli spaces of meromorphic connections.

PhD Students

Visiting Professors

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