What does the study involve?

We invited parents, young people, school staff, caterers and others connected to school food or education to take part in workshops.

We shared the FUEL study research findings with the groups and asked them their views on how to improve school food policy and practice, focusing on secondary schools.

We invited a group of representatives with experience of or interest in school food policy to attend two meetings and complete an individual task. Prior to these meetings we shared our findings from the workshops with the group. Through the two meetings and the individual task, we worked with this group to prioritise areas for action on school food policy and practice.

Participant information

Young People

Pupil information sheet 108 Kb docx.


School representatives

Professionals working in education or school food systems

Policy makers

Privacy notice

  • Privacy notice 22Kb docx.

Public representatives

We had three public advisory groups guiding our research:

· Youth Advisory Group

· Parents Advisory Group

· Schools Advisory Group

These groups met several times over the 12-month study. Our public representatives were reimbursed for their time at a rate of £25 an hour plus expenses.