Postgraduate research

The HEU has a strong PhD programme, based on the research interests of our staff and the collaboration we have with researchers from across the Institute of Applied Health Research and the wider College of Medical and Dental Sciences.

If you are interested in studying at HEU, first check that you fulfil the College’s entry and funding requirements and identify a potential supervisor from our list of current research areas as it is important that your proposed topic falls within our research interests.  Then email our postgraduate research lead an outline of your proposed research, so that we can review it and identify a prospective supervisor before you formally apply to the University via the online process.

Our current students and alumni have undertaken a wide range of PhD studies

Adrian Gheorghe, NIHR Research Support Facility PhD Studentship, 2010-2013 "Studying for my PhD with the HEU gave me a strong methodological foundation in economic evaluation and a fertile space to test research ideas. After completing the doctoral research I worked in global health at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and then with Oxford Policy Management."