Public Health RESearch (PHRESH) Consortium

The PHRESH Consortium includes researchers from three leading universities in the West Midlands: University of Birmingham, University of Warwick and University of Keele. It will address important public health challenges to improve the health and wellbeing of all people in this diverse region and beyond.
Our aim is to work collaboratively to answer questions relating to the health of the public. Our research teams have a wide range of expertise related to public health challenges and the scientific methods which can be used to work with our communities, key agencies, charities, businesses and local government to develop solutions.
By bringing together this varied team with complementary skills, we can coordinate resources and teams from the range of existing networks and research centres that we work within. Through the exchange of ideas, sharing skills and our combined breadth of perspectives, we will maximise opportunities for novel, transformative solutions to emerge.
NIHR School for Public Health Research
PHRESH is one of nine leading academic centres with excellence in applied public health research, which make up the NIHR School for Public Health Research (NIHR SPHR).
The PHRESH Consortium includes researchers from three leading universities in the West Midlands; Universities of Birmingham, Warwick and Keele. It will address important public health challenges to improve the health and wellbeing of all people in this diverse region and beyond.
We are led by:
The main focus of the school is developing and delivering excellent public health research through projects within our 4 main research themes, capacity building to develop our next Public Health Research leaders.
To join our monthly newsletter please complete the following form:
The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) funds, enables and delivers world-leading health and social care research that improves people's health and wellbeing, as well as promoting economic growth.
The PHIRST scheme links up academic teams with local government organisations to evaluate public health interventions that are already happening across the UK. There are currently 8 PHIRSTs across the UK, with expertise in public health and evaluation methods.
PHIRST PHRESH is led by:
Learn more about PHIRST PHRESH.
The next round of Fellowships are to open in January 2023. Further details to follow. If you are interested in applying please email
New funding streams announced
We have 3 new funding streams within the School; Data linkage with public health perspectives; Analysis of local authority public health finance to improve economic methods for public health; and Innovation in involvement.
If your interests align with any of these areas, please get in touch to join the working groups.
PHRESH Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Group

Within PHRESH we have a passion for including and engaging the public with our research. We have recently developed our PHRESH PPI group who will provide input on our research questions, guide us through recruitment and advise on our dissemination.
If you are interested in joining this group please email
NIHR School for Public Health Research Member Institutions
SPHR-related applications:
- Chloe Gay – SPHR SPARC award
- PhD studentship – main supervisor is Emma Frew: Dr Bassit Malik, Project title: Economic modelling to estimate the implications of population obesity and preventative actions on local authority budgets.
- 3-schools mental health award – Workshop – Carolyn Chew Graham is leading
- 3-schools dementia fellowship/ network award – led by Ping Guo, with Peymane Adab, John Glasby, Cara Bailey and Nikolaos Efstathiou all involved.
- ARC West Midlands
The National Institute for Public Health Research (NIHR) provides funding to:
The School for Public Health Research (SPHR) is a partnership between nine leading academic centres – 2022 to 2027 membership includes:
- University of Cambridge
- The Liverpool and Lancaster Universities Collaboration for Public Health Research (LiLaC)
- University of Exeter
- University of Sheffield
- University of Bristol
- Imperial College London
- London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
There are five academics who form the PHRESH Management Group and Theme Executive Advisor Roles who hold SPHR roles and report into the SPHR Executive Committee. They are:
- Professor Peymané Adab (Deputy Director of SPHR and EDI Lead)
- Professor Peter Kraftl (Knowledge Exchange/Impact Lead and Exec Advisor for Children, Young People and Families)
- Professor Emma Frew (Stakeholder Engagement Lead and Exec Advisor for Healthy People, Healthy Planet)
- Professor Sian Taylor-Phillips (Training Lead and Exec Advisor for Inequalities)
- Professor Kelvin Jordan (Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) Lead and Exec Advisor for Public Mental Health – to be confirmed)
There are four individual SPHR Themes and PHRESH Leads who report into their Executive Advisors. The themes and their Leads are:
- Children Young People and Families (Theme Lead: Miranda Pallan)
- Healthy People, Healthy Planet (Theme Leads: Thijs van Rens and Suzanna Bartington)
- Health Inequalities (Theme Lead: Afroditi Stathi)
- Public Mental Health (Theme Lead: Carolyn Chew-Graham)
Group Lead
Professor Peymané Adab
Group Management
- Programme Manager: Dr Lucy Oakey
- Programme Administrator: Alana-Mai Whatmore
Leads for themes and supporting members
Public Mental Health
Supporting Members:
Children, Young People & Families:
Supporting member:
Supporting members:
Healthy Planet, Healthy People:
Supporting members: