2022 Annual Network Meeting
08-10 November 2022
Kilifi, Kenya
After having to postpone our 2020 meeting due to the impact of COVID-19, we were thrilled to have finally been able to host this meeting 8-10 November 2022 in collaboration with The KEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Programme (KWTRP) in Kilifi, Kenya.
We were delighted to welcome 94 attendees with representation from 23 countries - thus ensuring it was truly a global affair. The three-day meeting brought together scientists, academics, industry partners, funders, and policymakers from around the world, all with the shared vision to develop and implement bacterial vaccines to address global challenges. The programme offered talks from internationally renowned speakers, covering a breadth of topics.
The importance of holding a Network Meeting in such a setting really demonstrated its value, with attendees being able to gain an insight to the tremendous work undertaken at the KEMRI site, with inspirational talks enlightening the audience about the challenges faced in achieving research aims and goals within an LMIC setting.
Throughout the event attendees were able to meet many new potential collaborators as well as existing colleagues. Opportunities were offered throughout the meeting to ensure that attendees felt able to interact at all levels, which is something of great importance to BactiVac.
BactiVac was able to support attendance by some our members through its Travel Bursary Programme and you can read comments from travel bursary recipients on our website (in due course).
We would like to thank The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Institute for Global Innovation and our core funder, the Medical Research Council, for their generous financial support to deliver this meeting.
We look forward to welcoming our members to forthcoming events throughout 2023, including the BactiVac Network and Microbiology Society Focused Meeting 'Vaccines As Tools To Combat Antimicrobial Resistance' which will take place on 27–28 February 2023 in Birmingham, UK. The Network is also working on plans for our next Annual Network Meeting in the Autumn of 2023. We are very much hoping to see many of you at events we are holding throughout 2023!
From right to left: Professor Cal MacLennan – Director, BactiVac Network, UK; Professor Philip Bejon – Executive Director, KEMRI Wellcome Research Programme, Kenya; Dr Joseph Mwangangi, Deputy Director, KEMRI Center for Geographic Medicine Research, Kenya; Professor Adam Cunningham, Co-Director, BactiVac Network, UK.
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