5th Annual Network Meeting 2024

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

04 – 07 November 2024


BactiVac Co-Director Adam Cunningham on the importance of bringing the Network together

We are delighted to announce that our 5th Annual Network Meeting 2024, will be hosted in collaboration with The Oxford University Clinical Research Unit (OUCRU) at the Sheraton Saigon Hotel & Towers in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam on 04 – 07 November 2024. OUCRU delivers internationally recognised research, and we are honoured to be working with them for the delivery of our 5th Annual Network Meeting.

Delegates will have opportunities to hear from internationally renowned speakers and broaden connections within our membership. Please note this event will be in-person only.

The meeting is open to members only - you can apply for free membership here. Registration is now closed and we are operating a waiting list. If you would like to be added to the waiting list please contact please contact BactiVac Administration Team at bactivac@contacts.bham.ac.uk  as soon as possible.

5th Annual Network Meeting will include:

  • three-day scientific programme (PDF 303kb). The meeting programme also includes a half-day workshop delivered by Hilleman Laboratories on ‘What Does it Take to Move a Vaccine Through the First ‘Valley of Death?’.
  • networking sessions.
  • poster session.

Additional opportunities for members:

  • travel bursary scheme is available (via a competitive application process); applications now closed.
  • submission of abstracts for the poster session; applications are now closed.


Registration is now closed and we are operating a waiting list. If you would like to be added to the waiting list please contact please contact BactiVac Administration Team at bactivac@contacts.bham.ac.uk as soon as possible.

Registration fee covers:

  • Attendance at the three-day Network event with lunch and refreshments provided on 5, 6 and 7 November 2024.
  • Hotel accommodation (single occupancy, en-suite, with bed & breakfast) at the conference venue for the nights of 4 - 6 November 2024 (three nights).
  • Conference dinner on 5 November 2024.
  • Provision of a letter of support to accompany Visa applications where applicable.
  • There is no reduction in registration fee for less than full attendance, or where no accommodation is required. 

Registration fees

Early bird registration (up to 9 June 2024, 23:59 hrs UK time)
 Standard: 171 GBP                                   
 Student*/Research Fellow**: 108 GBP
 LMIC member***:  54 GBP
Regular registration (from 10 June 2024)
 Standard:  190 GBP                                   
 Student*/Research Fellow**:  120 GBP
 LMIC member***:   60 GBP
Attendee catagories 
 *     Student:  Anyone registered as a university postgraduate student, including a doctoral researcher. You may be asked to provide evidence for your student status when arriving at the meeting.                 
 **   Research Fellow:                        An early career researcher who does not currently hold a substantive position within their organisation.
 *** LMIC member:         

Your current place of work should be based within an institution listed: LMIC countries.

Abstract Submission

We welcome abstract submissions for poster presentation. A limited number of successful abstracts will also be chosen for oral presentation. All applicants applying for a Travel Bursary must also submit an abstract. Please note that applications are now closed.

Travel Bursary Scheme

The Network is proud to be able to offer financial assistance to its members to attend Network meetings through its travel bursary scheme. All applicants applying for a travel bursary must also submit an abstract. Find out more about our travel bursary scheme. Please note that applications are now closed.

Our sister vaccinology network, International Veterinary Vaccinology Network (IVVN), will also be hosting their annual conference in partnership with the Biotechnology Center at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, on 9 and 10 November. 

For all queries, please contact the BactiVac Administration Team: bactivac@contacts.bham.ac.uk 

Keep up to date by following us on X (Twitter) @BactiVac, using #BactiVacEvents, and on Linkedin.


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