Violence, crime, justice

Picture of a man in a hoodie in front of barsThis theme encompasses a broad range of work relating to criminal activity, violence of different sorts, and the workings of justice systems dealing with them.

It includes the law of war, substantive and procedural criminal law, and emerging and transitional justice mechanisms within national, European and international fora. It ranges from well-established crimes, such as those perpetrated during acts of terrorism, to challenging the injustices of harms not usually recognised as criminal, such as the discriminatory drafting of law or operation of criminal justice institutions. 

Researchers have worked closely with organisations within the United Nations, European Union institutions, the Council of Europe, House of Lords Select Committees, the West Midlands Police, the Law Commission, NGOs and advocated for justice for vulnerable and minority groups. Research has been published in the Journal of International Criminal Justice, Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, the Journal of Law and Society, the Criminal Law Review, Crime, Law and Social Change and Theoretical Criminology.

In addition to our school-wide Research Seminar series, researchers and post-graduate students can get involved with this theme through the Centre for Crime, Justice and Policing and the BLS Crime research group. Violence, Crime, Justice forms a subject stream in our Annual Research Conference.

Theme lead

  • Marianne Wade - comparative criminal justice, counter terrorism



Key publications

  • Bliss, L.  The Protection from Harassment Act 1997: Failures by the Criminal Justice System in a Social Media Age, The Journal of Criminal Law 2019, Vol. 83(3) 217–228
  • Child, J. 'Understanding ulterior mens rea: future conduct intention is conditional intention', Cambridge Law Journal, 2017 vol. 76(2) 311-336.
  • De Londras, F, Blackbourn, J & Morgan, L Accountability and Review in the Counter-Terrorist State. (Bristol University Press 2019)
  • Fairclough, S.'Using Hawkins' surround, field and frames concepts to understand special measures decision-making in Crown Court trials'(201) Journal of Law and Society Vol. 45(4) 457
  • Greene, A. Permanent States of Emergency and the Rule of Law: Constitutions in an Age of Crisis (Oxford, Hart Publishing 2018). Nominated for the Society of Legal Scholars Birks Prize.
  • Lynch T. ‘Regulating Street Sex Workers: A Reflection on the Use and Reform of Anti-Social Behaviour Measures’, in Wasik, M. and Santatzoglou. S, The Management of Change in Criminal Justice (Palgrave, 2015).
  • Mavronicola, N. & Lavrysen, L. (eds) Coercive Human Rights: Positive Duties to Mobilise the Criminal Law under the ECHR (Hart Publishing 2020) 
  • Shahabuddin, M. 'Postcolonial boundaries, international law, and the making of the Rohingya crisis in Myanmar', Asian Journal of International Law, 2019 vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 334-358.
  • Wade, M. L. True EU citizenship as a precursor to genuine criminal justice in Europe: an analysis of EU citizenship as it relates to a sustainable area of freedom, security and justice, Crim Law Forum, 
  • Young, R. ‘The Rise and Fall of “Stop and Account”: Lessons for Police Accountability’, pp 18-48, in S Lister and M Rowe (eds), Accountability of Policing, Abingdon: Routledge, 2016R Young, ‘The Rise and Fall of “Stop and Account”: Lessons for Police Accountability’, pp 18-48, in S Lister and M Rowe (eds), Accountability of Policing, Abingdon: Routledge, 2016


Distinguished lectures and annual conferences