About PregCOV-19LSR

What is the problem?

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the infectious disease caused by the newly discovered Coronavirus strain (SARS-CoV-2) is rapidly increasing in number globally. There is rapidly emerging evidence on mother and child outcomes in women with suspected and confirmed COVID-19 published as multiple case reports, primary studies and systematic reviews.

But these have very high levels of uncertainty in their findings, which is reflective of the small sample sizes of the studies with varied qualities. Furthermore, there is a rapid turnover of large volume of publications, and not all have been peer- reviewed.

What is needed?

Any recommendation on the care of pregnant women with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 should be based on robust evidence, within a framework that incorporates the newly emerging relevant findings and assessed for their quality. Traditional systematic reviews are limited in their ability to adapt to the large numbers of evidence generated within short time frames.

What is the aim of PregCOV-19LSR?

In the PregCOV-19 project, we will conduct a series of living systematic reviews (LSR) involving pregnant and postnatal women at risk, suspected, and diagnosed to have COVID-19 according to recommended methods.

Our team will continuously update the findings, by incorporating relevant new evidence as it becomes available.

Planned updates

We will update our searches on a weekly basis, and provide evidence summary for the key research questions on regular basis.