Why Study Materials Science?


0:54 seconds


[Fast-paced video montage: someone tying a shoe, cutting a cake on a plate, girl sitting on a chair, car driving down road, a row of houses, an airplane in sky, a body scanner, a wind turbine]
Text on screen appears as below
Shoes, plates, chairs, cars, homes, planes, body scanners, turbines

What do they have in common?

Everything we own and use involves a complex mix of materials

[Fast-paced video montage: melting metal in a foundry, a technician working with polymer materials, a close up shot of sorting and mixing bulk materials]

Materials Science is understanding how things are put together

[Fast-paced video montage: steel pipes on a production line, the cutting of metal with sparks flying]

Combine Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Maths and Engineering

[Fast-paced video montage: atomic particles colliding and spinning, animation of molecules, scraping bacteria on a petri dish, a hand writing on a chalkboard, a hand making design plans on a tablet]

To understand how materials behave

[Fast-paced video montage: a person laying down tiles and cement on the floor, industrial metal machine]

Discover the structure and properties of materials

[Fast-paced video montage: academics working with materials and collaborating]

And work at the forefront of industry: healthcare, energy, environmental sustainability, sport, automotive, aerospace

[Fast-paced video montage: scientist using a digital tablet, natural gas industrial processing, wind turbines against a sunset, football player playing with a ball, a luxury car driving into the sunset, an aircraft workshop with tails of airplanes visible]

Bridge the gap between science and engineering and provide solutions to problems of the future, today.

[Logo of University of Birmingham School of Metallurgy and Materials, with CTA links to birmingham.ac.uk/materials-beng and birmingham.ac.uk/materials-meng]
