Dr Azar Gholamipour-Shirazi

PERCAT Rep for the School of Mathematics

What is your academic background and current research field? 

I am a Research Fellow in Soft 3D Printing and Microfluidics in the School of Mathematics. I am working on smart microfluidic devices from thermoresponsive polymers via soft 3D printing, using ideas inspired by Origami. I have been a PERCAT rep, since February 2019, for the Schools of Metallurgy and Materials and Chemical Engineering, and I am delighted to be able to continue as the PERCAT rep for the School of Mathematics.

What is your role as a PERCAT Rep and how can postdocs in your school contact you?

My role as a PERCAT rep is to collaborate with other rep in the School of Mathematics and to provide a voice for the postdoc community. In this role, I promote the career development and training events which PERCAT organises, while feeding-back the views, opinions and needs of the postdoc and early career community. I can be contacted by email (a.g.shirazi@bham.ac.uk).