The EPS & LES ECDN programme is led by a steering committee which includes up to two postdoctoral representatives from each School in the Colleges of EPS and LES. 

The ECDN Reps provide a voice for post-docs within their school, shape the development and direction of the programme and provide a link for two-way communication with post-docs within their own school, ensuring that it genuinely reflects the needs of the postdoc community.

Here you can find out about the Reps for your School, how to contact them, and get an insight into the role of the ECDN Rep and the benefits it brings.

College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

College of Life and Environmental Sciences

New International Postdocs


Postdocs Needed

Get involved in shaping career development and training activities for postdocs and develop your own career at the same time.

The EPS & LES ECDN Programme is always pleased to welcome new postdoctoral representatives onto the steering committee, in order to ensure we truly represent the interests of our diverse postdoc community.  If you are interested in becoming a ECDN Rep within your School then please contact Richard Jones

Find Out More

  • Talk to one of our existing ECDN reps to find out more about the role.  A full list of reps with email addresses is available on our ECDN Committee webpage.

  • View the online profiles of our existing reps  to learn more about the roles and benefits of becoming a ECDN rep.

  • Read our Rep roles and benefits document to find out more about the role.