Qualitative hub

The qualitative hub brings together our project staff, investigators, institutions and partners working to support qualitative research capacity and its use within lower- and middle-income settings.

meetingRecognising that building capacity should extend beyond the technical skills necessary to conduct research, the Qualitative Hub is placing emphasis on understanding the contexts and building relationships by finding the right balance between coordination of research by the team in the UK and the local ownership of the project in four partner countries.

The South-South engagement and ensuring that the partnership is as equal as possible, are at the core of our capacity building strategy.

We have set up monthly meetings for all country teams to share information, improve collaboration and enable teams to learn from each other's experiences.

Photo montage showing a group having a discussion around a table from different angles

Our latest news

WP training in Kigali, Rwanda, February 2023

The training was co-lead by two of our lead postdoctoral researchers, Khaya from South Africa and Derbew from Rwanda.  We are currently developing capacity exchange and training materials as a result of this, including:

  • web-based material on facilitation of workshops
  • podcasts on our researchers' experiences of undertaking work as part of WP1
  • commentary reflecting on lead researchers' personal views and broader debates around equitable research partnerships

WP1 and WP2 training in Tamale, Ghana, March 2023

Two of our lead postdoctoral researchers in South Africa, Khaya and Tamlyn flew to Tamale to train the Ghanaian team. Great example of multidirectional learning!
