Gut and Liver Inflammation

An illustration of the liverThe vision of the Centre for Liver and Gastrointestinal Research is to respond to the increasing global gastrointestinal disease burden by delivering an outstanding pipeline of bench to bedside research in inflammatory gastrointestinal and liver diseases. This is achieved by close partnerships between key opinion leaders and investigators as discovery scientists and clinicians.

Patricia LalorBasic Science Lead

Professor Patricia Lalor

Professor of Experimental Hepatology

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Prof Shetty 230px by 230pxClinical Lead

Professor Shishir Shetty

Professor in Liver Tumour Immunology

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About our research

We utilise cutting edge laboratory and human systems to delineate key mechanisms, discover and validate new biomarkers and identify novel targets in pre-clinical and clinical settings. Interactions with industry are a key strategy at all stages of this process, as well as integration of clinical and scientific expertise. In addition we harness bioinformatics and clinical data, sophisticated endoscopic technology and artificial intelligence approaches to maximize the information we generate from our valuable human materials.

Aims of our research

  • To harness our unrivalled access to human biomaterials and laboratory models to improve the outcome for patients with gastrointestinal disease
  • To explore the shared and unique pathogenic pathways between liver and intestinal inflammatory diseases.
  • To identify novel molecules and pathways that have therapeutic, prognostic or diagnostic potential
  • To develop new improved methodologies for testing therapies and diagnostic approaches
  • To provide an outstanding research environment to educate and train the next generation of biomedical researchers working in gastrointestinal disease

Our staff

Gut and Liver Inflammation Principal Investigators
Principal InvestigatorResearch Interest
Professor Patricia Lalor Molecular regulation of human liver disease
Professor Philip Newsome Stromal Cell Biology, Clinical Trials, Cell trafficking and Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Professor Subrata Ghosh Immune mediated inflammatory diseases (Crohn's disease and Ulcerative colitis).
Professor Stefan Hübscher Liver pathology, including the pathology of liver transplantation and hepatobiliary neoplasia.
Dr Simon Afford Cellular and molecular mechanisms of hepatic inflammation.
Professor Shishir Shetty Regulation of leucocyte recruitment to the liver and the role of novel adhesion molecules including scavenger receptors.
Professor Ye Htun Oo Hepatic tolerance and pathogenesis of liver inflammation and repair in autoimmune liver diseases.
Dr Zania Stamataki Developing new therapies that restore immune regulation in liver inflammation and cancer.
Dr Chris Weston Regulation of immune mediated injury and fibrosis in the human liver.