
Membership of the BactiVac Network provides a platform for scientists, clinicians and companies from around the world to come together, sharing their skills and knowledge to generate new vaccines that will save lives from bacterial infections.

Hands together

The BactiVac Network seeks to accelerate the development and implementation of vaccines to bacterial infections through facilitating end-to-end LMIC human and animal bacterial vaccine development. It focuses on the transition of promising vaccines from preclinical studies to clinical trials, where many promising candidates flounder. Bringing together diverse parties with expertise in complementary aspects of bacterial vaccinology and a strong emphasis on LMIC and industry involvement, the Network helps to galvanise the community, foster new partnerships and disseminate key relevant information. This is supported by our:

  • Website and newsletters provide an outward-facing presence, inform network members about opportunities available through the Network, inform the public of our activities, provide general interest updates and serve as an advocacy portal for bacterial vaccines.
  • Members’ Directory to encourage cross-collaboration between academic and industrial partners in developed and developing nations and to provide access to potential collaborators from multiple disciplines.
  • Catalyst project and training funding support innovative bacterial vaccine R&D pump-priming pilot studies partnerships and facilitate training opportunities to learn the skills needed to grow the research and industrial base in vaccinology with an emphasis on transferring vaccinology skills to LMICs.
  • Annual meetings provide a forum for members to build connections, exchange ideas, and hear presentations from knowledge-gap analyses, pump-primed projects and training activities funded by our catalyst fund. 
  • Online training courses provide an opportunity for network members to gain a range of scientific and practical skills, with places on each course available via a competitive process.

The BactiVac Network has over 1,900 members from across 88 countries; view BactiVac Network members. 50% of our members are based in LMICs, and the proportion of our industry membership is 14%. 

The key benefits of becoming a member include:

  • Access to our catalyst funding to pump prime projects and facilitate training visits.
  • Invitation to our member-only annual meetings to share lessons learned, exchange practical information and network with fellow members. Registration costs will be subsidised by the Network to encourage members to attend.

BactiVac will only succeed if it serves its members and the community. Join the Network by completing our short and simple online membership application form.

Decisions on applications will be communicated within two weeks of receipt.