EESE Soc logoWe have a very active Electrical Engineering Society run entirely by our students. EESE Soc brings students together from all years, both undergraduate and postgraduate, for film nights, paintballing, trips, sports fixtures such as our highly successful football team and our annual careers fair. Follow @UoB.EESE on Twitter, uobeese on Instagram or join our Facebook group to see what we get up to.

EPS Societies' Awards won

  • EPS Community Award 2017, for the Engineering Spring Ball with CivSoc and MechSoc

EESE soc team with the award

Latest news from EESE Soc

Revitalizing the EESE Society


The Electrical Engineering Society as spent the term providing a wide variety of events for their members. From Industrial Talks to socials, a new social media boost and the Winter Ball - there's plenty to talk about!

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