Institute-Funded Work

Our team of Research Data Scientists engage in a variety of Institute-funded activities which are free at the point of use for researchers. The primary aim of our institute funded work is to increase the competitiveness and quality of the University’s data science related research and funding bids. 

Pre-award data sciences services 

We are always available to advise on data science relating to the creation of new funding bids. We can help generate new project ideas, provide feedback on drafts and/or quote for staff time on bids. Depending on availability, we are also able to offer a small amount of time (up to 2 days) to help improve the competitiveness of funding applications, for example by doing data analysis to generate some preliminary results. Please get in touch to discuss any pre-award help you may need.

Post-award data sciences services 

We have a wide range of in-house data science expertise and can offer online advise sessions. Alternatively, we have in person office hours 13:00-14:00 on Mondays by appointment at our base in Elm house (ground floor common room).

We also offer a pre-publication health check for projects where we can work with you to meet journal requirements and improve the reproducibility of your research. For example, we can help with code availability and versioning using GitLab/GitHub or data upload to external open repositories such as Zenodo. Please get in touch to discuss any post-award help you may need.

Bespoke data science training 

We are in the process of developing a number of data science related workshops and training opportunities aimed at research staff and students. For example an Image Analysis with Python Data Carpentries. For more information about the wider range of courses offered by Advanced Research Computing see the BEAR Training page.

Pump-priming projects 

As part of the University’s investment into the Institute, there is a fund to support short-term pump-priming projects for new interdisciplinary initiatives, comprising £100k per year for five years commencing in 2023. Project applications can include requests for time with the Research Data Science Service (see “our expertise”), as well as other facilities and support supplied by the wider Institute.