Foreign, security and development policy
Foreign, security and development policies are a major focus for the University and for policy makers. These researchers are actively engaging with the policy process and would welcome further engagement from policy makers.

Emeritus Professor of European Law
Anthony Arnull specialises in the law of the European Union. He worked at the European Court of Justice from 1989-92 and was Head of Birmingham Law School between 2006 and 2009. He was Acting Head of the College of Arts & Law at Birmingham from April to August 2015. Professor Arnull is the author of The General Principles of EEC Law and the Individual (Leicester University Press, 1990); The ...
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Professor of Law and Political Economy
Kate is an interdisciplinary scholar, with a background in law and political economy, development, and gender/sexuality studies. She joined Birmingham Law School in 2018.
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Professor of Military History
As a historian, I am primarily interested in how institutions and individuals respond to the challenges of war. I believe that this is best studied using an approach which is both comparative and cross-disciplinary.
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Professor of Religion, Gender and Global Security
Over the past decade I have been researching the role of gender and religion in relation to Islamic extremism, and have an interest in gender-mainstreaming countering and preventing violent extremism efforts. My current work focuses on gender, religion and resilience in global governance efforts in relation to terrorism. This is part of my larger project, Humanities for Resilience,which is ...
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Professor of Environmental Law
College Director of Global Engagement
Deputy Director of the Centre for Environmental Research and Justice (CERJ)
Professor Aleksandra Cavoski’s research interests are in the field of environmental law and EU law, including certain aspects of public international law. Her research agenda is inter-disciplinary and explores the intersection of law and other disciplines, in particular politics, science, public policy and language. Aleksandra is the College of Arts and Law Director of Global ...
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Professor of Democracy and International Development
Director of the Centre for Elections, Democracy, Accountability and Representation (CEDAR)
Nic Cheeseman (@fromagehomme) is Professor of Democracy at the University of Birmingham. Formerly the Director of the African Studies Centre at Oxford University, he is the Founding Director of Birmingham’s Centre for Elections, Democracy, Accountability and Representation (CEDAR). He mainly works on democracy, elections and development and has conducted in-country research in a ...
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Professor of Transitional Justice and International Criminal Law
Janine Natalya Clark joined Birmingham Law School in October 2014. She was promoted to Reader in 2016 and promoted to Professor in 2018. Her research interests include transitional justice, armed conflict, resilience, social-ecological systems, posthumanism, new materialism and disability.
Janine has four research monographs and one co-edited book. Her most recent book – Resilience, ...
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- 0121 414 6316
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Associate Professor of United States History
I’m a historian of the American Revolution, the early United States, and the Atlantic world in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. I have taught courses on American political thought, the nineteenth-century west, and women in the revolutionary era—I’ve also taught on the past and present of presidential elections, and a module on student journalism! Following my first book,
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- 0121 414 5747
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Senior Lecturer in Arabic and Translation Studies
Language Co-ordinator for Arabic
Dr Anissa Daoudi's research examines how language and translations shape memories, public narratives, and enhance campaigns for transitional justice. Her project: Breaking the Protectorate of Silence: Violence Against Women in 1990s Algeria, funded by the Leverhulme Fellowship, focuses on the experience of women survivors of sexual violence and rape committed during the Civil War. ...
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- +44 (0)121 414 5931
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Director of Research, College of Arts and Law
Barber Professor of Jurisprudence
Fiona de Londas is Director of Research for the College of Arts and Law and Professor of Global Legal Studies at Birmingham Law School. Her research concerns constitutionalism, human rights, and transnationalism. She is particularly interested in the role and function of rights in contentious policy fields, inquiring into how (if at all) rights shape the making of law and policy in complex ...
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- +44 (0)121 414 6318
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Professor of International Legal Studies
Associate Dean of Birmingham Law School
Rilka Dragneva-Lewers is Professor of International Legal Studies at Birmingham Law School. She works on regional integration, EU external policy, legal reform and international diffusion of norms with a special reference to Eastern Europe. Her recent publications focus on Eurasian economic integration and its overlaps with EU initiatives in the post-Soviet region. Rilka’s work has strong ...
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- 0121 414 3146
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Barber Professor of Law
Professor Enonchong is the author of three major practitioner works in the field of banking and commercial law. He has advised in a number of complex international commercial disputes and has acted as an arbitrator in international commercial arbitrations. Professor Enonchong is the author of Duress, Undue Influence and Unconscionable Dealing, now in its 4th edition.
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- +44 (0)121 414 6283
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Professor of Feminist Legal Studies
Head of Research Impact
Máiréad Enright’s research is in feminist legal studies and critical legal theory, with a particular focus on law and religion. She has written on issues including reproductive justice, law reform and grassroots organising, illegality in social movements, responses to historical injustice and obstetric violence. She often works with and advises groups campaigning around ...
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- (0)121 414 9518
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Professor of Global Security
Jonathan's research focuses on the relationship between authoritarianism and (in)security across multiple levels – global, regional, domestic, and “the everyday”. He has a particular interest in the role of ideas and legitimacy in authoritarian systems and spaces, and has worked extensively in eastern Africa, where he has focused on the influence of guerrilla heritage on ...
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- +44 (0)121 414 5012
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Associate Professor in Modern History
My main interest lies in post war Germany, the political, social and economic reconstruction of the country (including Allied occupation policy) against the backdrop of the Cold War.
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- +44 (0)121 414 5759
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Senior Lecturer in American and Canadian Studies
I’m a British/Canadian academic interested in security and intelligence in the past and present and in a US/UK/Canada context. My work has covered a range of topics, such as state surveillance against Canadian universities, UK and US counter-terrorism, a history of informants, and the world's most famous police force, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
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- +44 (0)121 414 6634
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Professor of Politics and Development
Director, Developmental Leadership Program (DLP) and Co-Director, Development Engagement Lab (DEL)
David Hudson is Professor of Politics and Development at the University of Birmingham and Director of the Developmental Leadership Program (DLP). He is also Head of the International Development Department.
He has written widely on the politics of development, in particular on the role of coalitions, leadership and power in reform processes and how development actors can think and work ...
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- +44 (0)121 414 3496
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Professor of African Politics
Director of Research for the College of Social Sciences
Paul Jackson is a political economist working predominantly on conflict and post-conflict reconstruction. A core area of interest is decentralisation and governance and it was his extensive experience in Sierra Leone immediately following the war that led him into the area of conflict analysis and security sector reform. He was Director of the GFN-SSR and is currently an advisor to the Governance ...
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- +44 (0)121 414 7293
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Honorary Senior Lecturer
Broadly speaking, my research interests lie within Islamic studies and Middle Eastern politics and history. My research interests and writings cover areas such as the socio-political study of Islam, Modern and contemporary Islamic thought, Women in Islam, Feminism and Islam, Islam in Britain, especially New Muslims, Islam and the West, Islamism, Islamic beliefs and practices, Islam and other ...
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Professor of Sikh Studies
I have been an academic at the University of Birmingham since 2002. My teaching and research focuses on Sikh theology, inter-faith dialogue, gender inequality, Sikh identity in the diasporic community, racialization and mistaken identity and other contested issues that confront the Sikh community nationally and globally. My work in the Edward Cadbury Centre for the Public ...
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- +44 (0)121 41 58338
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Honorary Research Fellow
An anthropologist by education, I enjoy doing interdisciplinary research, teaching and dissemination, including applied work in the heritage sector. My main interest is the production of heritage in post/colonial contexts and the associated politics of history, social memory and development, including local as well as transnational relations and practices, from heritage management to tourism and ...
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Professor in Modern History
Having graduated from the University of Düsseldorf with a degree in mathematics, history and philosophy I completed an M.Phil in International Relations and PhD in Modern History at the University of Cambridge. I took up a lectureship in European history at the University of Hull in 1993 before joining the Department of Modern History here at Birmingham in 1994.
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- +44(0)121 414 5749
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Professor of Development Politics
Heather Marquette is Professor of Development Politics and is currently seconded part-time to DFID’s Research & Evidence Division as Senior Research Fellow (Governance and Conflict).
Heather’s research - which has been funded by the British Academy/Global Challenges Research Fund, DFID, DFAT and the EU - focuses on corruption and anti-corruption interventions, the politics ...
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- +44 (0)121 414 2296
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Professor of Human Rights Law
Professor Mavronicola joined Birmingham Law School as a Senior Lecturer in September 2016, and has been Professor of Human Rights Law since 2022. She was previously a Lecturer in Law at Queen’s University Belfast (2013-2016). Professor Mavronicola is chiefly interested in the theory and interpretation of human rights. Her research has focused on pursuing dynamic coherence in the ...
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- (0)121 414 9038
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Professor in Law and Language
Birmingham Fellow
Professor McAuliffe’s principal area of research focuses on the relationship between law, language and translation in the EU legal order. By clarifying the ways in which language plays a key role in determining judicial outcomes at the EU level, she challenges EU scholarship to look beyond more conventional approaches to the development of a rule of law that draw on law alone. ...
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- 0121 414 7269
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Associate Professor
Claire’s research focuses on the political sociology of vital public service delivery in conflict-affected and divided societies. In particular, she is interested in the politics of distributive justice and procedural fairness in service delivery, and the historical processes that embed welfare provision in social contracts. She has published on how and when services become significant for ...
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- +44 (0)121 414 3120
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Associate Professor
Deputy Head of Education (PGT)
Dr Morgan researches and teaches public law, legal theory, socio-legal theory, and human rights. She explores the interplay between law and political theory on topics such as national security, counter-terrorism, accountability, and conceptions of freedom. Her most recent publication, with Professor Fiona de Londras and Dr Jessie Blackbourn, Accountability and Review in the Counter-Terrorist ...
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Emeritus Professor of Contemporary European Islam
My main research interest is Islam in Europe but I also maintain interests in Shari’a and Christian-Muslim relations in Europe and the Middle East.
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Associate Professor in Law
Programme Director, Online LLM in Energy and Environmental Law
Dr Walters Nsoh is an Associate Professor in Law at the University of Birmingham. His research relates primarily to the intersection between property (land) law and environmental law, the legal and policy challenges to nature conservation and the sustainable management of natural resources. His book The Privatisation of Biodiversity? - New Approaches to Conservation Law(Edward Elgar Publishing ...
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- +44 (0)121 414 3106
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Professor of Environment and Development
Fiona's interests and experience focus on natural resource governance and management in developing country settings, particularly within inland fisheries and coastal locations in East and Southern Africa, and on exploring the links between poverty and the environment.
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- +44 (0) 121 414 3061
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Professor of International Law
Professor Alexander Orakhelashvili has taught and researched public international law at four British universities over the past 20 years. His teaching also includes elements of criminal law and jurisprudence. He is a frequent speaker at international conferences and seminars on developments in public international law, and has given invited papers at the events and conferences held in UK, USA, ...
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- +44 (0)121 414 6284
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Associate Professor in Peace and Conflict Studies
Head of Research in the School of Government
Martin Ottmann is Associate Professor in Peace and Conflict Studies as well as Head of Research for the School of Government.
His research examines the political economy of civil war and development, focusing on the effects of power-sharing on resource redistribution, contentious politics, and political trust. He is also co-founder of the Citizens in Peace Processes (CIPP) research ...
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- +44 (0)121 415 1076
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Associate Professor in American and International Politics
Adam Quinn is a scholar of American foreign policy and grand strategy. He is particularly interested in contests of ideas within the United States regarding the nation's status, interests, and role in the world. He also talks and teaches about both American politics and international security more generally.
He has previously held various management ...
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- +44 (0)121 414 5313
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Professor of Central and Eastern European History
As a historian of modern Central and Eastern Europe, I am interested in the role that the 'small' states between Russia and Germany have played in history. A fundamental question I concern myself with is what people expect from the state and how this changes in periods of crisis.
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- +44 (0)121 41 45514
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Lecturer in South Asian History
I am a historian of modern South Asia (present day India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka). My research interests range from the early colonial period with the coming of the East India Company’s rule to the late colonial period – the mobilization of Indian soldiers transforming the First World War into a global conflict. I am particularly interested in histories of gender based ...
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Professor of International Law & Human Rights
Professor Mohammad Shahabuddin teaches and researches in international law and human rights with special focus on the history and theory of international law, ethnicity and nationalism, and human rights. His teaching and research is informed by critical, postcolonial, and TWAIL (Third World Approaches to International Law) scholarship. He is the author of Ethnicity and International Law: ...
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- 0121 414 9197
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Emeritus Professor of Christianity and Islam
Nadir Dinshaw Professor of Interreligious Relations
For many years one of my specialist interests has been the history of religious thought in Islam and the structure of Islamic religious thinking. A particular aspect of this is relations between Muslims and followers of other faiths, especially Christianity. I have made this a major topic of my research and writing.
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- +44 (0) 121 415 8373
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Professor of European Law and Policy
Director, Institute of European Law
Associate Dean of Birmingham Law School
The research of Martin Trybus aims to make a contribution to the understanding and development of the Law of the European Union, especially its economic and constitutional aspects, to establish ‘European Union Defence and Security Law’ as a separate legal subject, and to contribute to the understanding and development of European Union Public Procurement Law.
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- +44 (0)121 414 6330
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Reader in Human Rights Law
Head of Planning and Strategy
Dr Ben Warwick’s research explores how economic factors affect human rights (and especially socio-economic rights). He is interested in the ways that laws and the institutions that enforce them change under such pressures. He is a specialist in international human rights, the United Nations human rights bodies, and human rights in various crisis contexts.
Ben is a lead quality assessor on ...
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- 0121 414 6233
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Professor of International Relations
Nicholas J. Wheeler is Professor of International Relations at the University of Birmingham.
His publications include (with Ken Booth) The Security Dilemma: Fear, Cooperation, and Trust in World Politics (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008) and Saving Strangers: Humanitarian Intervention in International Society (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000). His new book Trusting Enemies: ...
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- +44 (0)121 414 6215
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Associate Professor in the History of Warfare and Conflict
I am interested in all aspects of the history of war, but with a particular focus on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. My research explores British military history, military thought and strategy in this period: in particular, it covers British colonial warfare, counterinsurgency, the First World War and the Second World War. My teaching includes these topics, as well as ...
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- +44 (0)121 41 43203
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Professor of International Security
A political scientist by background, Stefan Wolff specialises in the management of contemporary security challenges, especially in the prevention and settlement of ethnic conflicts and civil wars and in post-conflict state-building in deeply divided and war-torn societies.
Stefan Wolff Personal Webpage
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- +44 (0)121 414 8230
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Interdisciplinary Professorial Fellow in Law, Ethics and Informatics
Karen Yeung joined Birmingham Law School and the University of Birmingham’s School of Computer Science as Interdisciplinary Professorial Fellow in Law, Ethics and Informatics in January 2018. Her research has been at the forefront of understanding the challenges associated with the regulation and governance of emerging technologies. Over the course of more than 25 ...
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- +44 (0) 121 414 6298
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