Events and resources

CHASM members speak and participate in a range of events, some of which are linked to the research projects they are involved in, and some of which relate to broader themes and issues.


Global employment trends in post-pandemic times

Thursday 19 September 2024 (13:00-14:00)
1150 Muirhead Tower
Professor Geeta Nair, gives a seminar on Indian perspectives on employment trends in post-pandemic times.

Resources from previous events

We produce event summaries and resources related to many CHASM events, including presentations and videos. You can download these resources.  

Resource highlights

Events and resources archive


15th December - Exploring your career futures - a CHASM PGR & ECR Network Event

5th December - Reflections on Consumer Financial Insecurity, Risk-Taking and Resilience in Precarious Times

21st November - Gender, Lifecourse and Pension Saving

9th November - Young Lives in the Spotlight: Poverty, Place & Belonging in Balsall Heath

12th October - The confluence of public and private benefits among low-wage workers in the US

12th September - Buy-Now-Pay-Later Services and Food Insecurity Among Young Australians

28th June - Plastic Free Homes and Circular Housing Strategies: A CHARM Inspiration Day

23rd June - Adopting Circular Housing Strategies: On the road to net zero with GreenSquareAccord

23rd June - CHASM Annual Conference 2022

7th June - Debt, mobility and the pandemic: Migrants everyday lived experiences of precarity in Covid-UK

19th May - PGR & ECR Network Peer presentation and networking

17th May - From wellbeing to sustainability - housing, assets and household finance

11th May - Pension Decision Making in the New Retirement Landscape

10th May - Managing money and health during COVID-19: Financial diaries with individuals living on low incomes

5th April - POSTPONED!! Debt, mobility and the pandemic: Migrants' everyday lived experiences of precarity in Covid-UK

8th February - CHASM PGR & ECR Network Launch

8th February - The Financial Portfolios of Refugees, Migrants and Displaced People

19th January - An entertaining approach: the effectiveness of a financial education curriculum developed around high-energy music videos


7th December - Pension auto-enrolment – how much of a success?

14th November - CHASM Research Seminar - 'Family Housing Wealth, Welfare and Intergenerational Equity'

15th June - CHASM Annual Conference and Advisory Board Meeting

24th May - Birmingham Savings Summit: A new savings strategy for lower income households?

5th May - Is the defence of asset-based welfare a defence of house prices?

23rd February - CHASM Seminar: Improving students' conceptions of debt: variation and learner agency


9th December - Replacing public welfare? UK divisions of welfare in the 21st Century

2nd December - How does the HMRC affect the financial hardship of claimants?

5th November - Money Matters: Building a more inclusive financial system

28th October - Banking Standards Board Regional Debate in Birmingham

21st October - Narratives of duty and desert in asset-based welfare

22nd July - Public attitudes to wealth taxation

5th May - The regul(aris)ation of payday lending in the UK: a new welfare safety net?

28th April - Workshop on responsible lending and borrowing

17th March - Mind the (housing) gap: Patterns of family wealth, past, present, future

20th January - 'Poor wretched Outcast! I will weep for thee': Reflections upon funeral costs, state support and responsibilisation

12th January - Housing and Communities Research Network Seminar: 12 January 2015


9th December - Using the Secondary Financial Services Market to Advance Economic Justice

17th November - Housing and Communities Research Network Seminar: 17 November 2014

16th October - Redressing the imbalance between financial service consumer and provider in Ireland

15th October - Rehabilitation revolution? Young prisoners experiences of reintegration and resettlement

CHASM Conference 2014 

CHASM held a conference on 'Financial security in an Age of Austerity' on 18 July 2014. The following speakers included the following - follow the link to view their presentation slides:


24/4/13: The financial wellbeing of the Birmingham Community
Speaker(s): Angela Clements (CEO of Citysave), David Urquhart (Bishop of Birmingham), Damon Gibbons (Centre for Responsible Credit), Ricky Joseph and Karen Rowlingson. Event chaired by Suzanne Virdee.


10/5/12: Promoting financial inclusion and tackling isolation
Karen Rowlingson chaired the afternoon sessions at this event organised by Inside Government held at the Strand Palace Hotel, London. The event included papers from experts in the field from the DWP, CDFA, Toynbee Hall, Barclays, the Financial Inclusion Centre, ABCUL and AgeUK.

7-8/3/12: The future of asset-based policies in the US and UK
Speaker(s): William Darity (Duke University); Tom Shapiro (Brandeis University); Margaret Sherraden (University of Missouri, St Louis); and Michael Sherraden (Washington University in St Louis).


2/11/11: ESRC Festival of Social Science - Faith in the City: Communities, Regeneration and Integration
Speaker: Ricky Joseph gave a presentation on some of the key findings drawn from the National Equality Panel's report on inequality which looked at the relationship between asset-holding by ethnicity, race and religious affiliation. Around 80 people attended this event held at the Green Lane Mosque in the Small Heath area of Birmingham.

17/9/11: Gleneagles Investment Conference
Speaker: Paul Cox, Birmingham Business School attended this conference hosted by JP Morgan for industry leaders. Attendees included senior industry figures, regulators, consumer groups, trade bodies, civil servants and politicians including Ministers. Paul led the workgroups on Communication of Pension Information to Members of Defined Contribution Schemes.

16/6/11: Roundtable on financial education for young people
Speaker(s): Karen Rowlingson (Director of CHASM); Celia Allaby (Personal Finance Education Group); Linda Jack (Money Advice Service) and Angela Clements (Citysave Credit Union).

1/3/11: The Banks and Society: Rebuilding trust
Speaker(s): David Urquhart (Bishop of Birmingham) - chair; Andy Mullineux (Deputy Director of CHASM); Canon Giles Fraser (St Paul's Cathedral); Damon Gibbons (Centre for Responsible Credit), and Suzanne Ismail (ECCR).


Building the Big Society: What role should banks play?

Andy Mullineux, Deputy Director of CHASM chaired a workshop at the Responsible Credit Convention in London on Tuesday 19 October 2010. Toby Blume (Urban Forum) who had co-organised the workshop and Dr Richard Werner (University of Southampton) were the speakers. Topics covered included:

  • The Big Society Bank - will it have enough funds to make an impact?
  • Dr Richard Werner - Credit Unions - how can they upscale in Britain and have the big banks tried to block their development?
  • Toby Blume - Does the UK need a Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) like the US?

Andy Mullineux discussed how the disclosure requirements under the CRA empowered activists and the CRA was not all about forcing banks to fund Credit Unions and Community Development Finance Institutions (CDFIs) and yet the big banks, despite promises, had not entered vigorously into funding partnership with UK CDFIs (a point made by Brian Pomeroy, Chair, Financial Inclusion Taskforce, in his plenary speech in the morning), so a push seems still to be required for banks to engage. Also CDFIs are potential conduits of micro-business training and a government subsidy could usefully be received for doing this (as in the US, through Small Business Administration). Alternatively the banks could provide the subsidy in return for receiving referrals of business made 'bankable' by CDFIs (and perhaps CUs after they receive new small business lending powers).

Capital taxation of personal and household assets

Karen Rowlingson presentationThis event was held on 20 July 2010 at Birmingham Business School.

Taxation will be expected to bear at least some of the brunt of funding the way back to a reasonable fiscal deficit position in the UK, however savage cuts in public spending prove possible to do in the near future. Capital taxation is likely to be used to fill part of the revenue gap the tax system is asked to fill, and in fact the new Government has already provided more than a heavy hint that Capital Gains Tax (CGT) rises are inevitable.

This 'think tank' event looked at the current capital tax system in relation to personal and household assets, analysed related announcements of the 22 June budget and revisited the outline plans discussed during the election for other aspects of capital taxation (e.g. possible increases in IHT thresholds) that may set a future agenda for Government in this area of the tax system. The outcome of this event will provide a short and longer term agenda for evidence-based research that academics, and others aiming to influence the policy debate, can engage with.

Housing and finance in later life: A study of equity release

This event held at the Wellcome Collection Conference Centre in London on 23 June 2010, was the launch of independent research into consumers' experience of equity release schemes, carried out by Louise Overton of the University of Birmingham for Age UK. 

At this seminar, Louise Overton presented her research based on a survey of over 500 equity release customers. There was also a response from Laurie Edmans, Chairman of Safe Home Income Plans Ltd., Age UK and a consumer representative.

CHASM launch event - The wealth chasm from inequality to inclusion in housing, pension and financial assets

CHASM audienceThe Centre on Household Assets and Savings Management (CHASM) Launch Conference was held on 25 May 2010 at the Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham, and it was attended by over 100 delegates.

At a time of increasing economic uncertainty and growing inequality, the UK, like many other advanced economies, has seen a shift from collective welfare provision towards more individual provision. However, many people appear to lack the financial means or capability to manage this effectively. The University of Birmingham has established a new Centre on Household Assets and Savings Management (CHASM) to investigate these issues. CHASM aims to provide a focus for world-class research on the distribution and role of assets in people's lives from housing to pensions to financial savings. This launch conference discussed some of the key themes of the new Centre.